
Auto Insurance

Auto Insurance by the Wilkinson Insurance Agency

Based on the recent census data, the number of vehicles in the US has been increasing over the years despite the recent economic slow-downs. Due to this, the demand for auto insurance is still prevalent today.

Currently there are more than 190 million motorists with 240 million registered vehicles recorded up to date and each and every single one of those vehicles, just like yours, needs auto insurance.

So how does one find the best deals from the many insurance companies in the market? Well, that’s where you can seek the help of an Auto Insurance Agent. There are many different insurance agents who can provide different services to suit each individual person.

Each of independent agents has their own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important that you do your research before choosing an agent.
This way, you will end up with the best policy within your budget.

So what’s so important about landing a good auto insurance deal? There are quite a number of services and policies being offered by different insurance companies. There are cheap auto insurance options, but the final price of the deal depends on whether you are a male or a female, a prudent or a reckless driver, the type of car you are driving and on what state you are currently in.

So whether you’re a new driver or old hoping to insure your old or new car, you should seek the help of a professional auto insurance agent to find the best deal. Yes, you can shop for an insurance deal by yourself, but having a knowledgeable agent speak for you keeps the process smooth and makes the deal negotiations quicker.

There are three different types of agent and/or insurance brokers around and they are categorized into and exclusive or captive, semi-independent, and passionately independent type of agents.

• Exclusive or captive agents are those who sell insurance policies for only one insurance company. They are employed by certain insurance companies so they cannot sell bonds and policies from another company. A disadvantage for this would be if you are unable to find a policy with them that works for you, you have to find a new agent to work with at a different company.

• Semi-independent brokers or agents allow you to choose between 2 to 5 auto insurance policies from different companies. You can freely look for the most suitable coverage that you need but still limited to those 2 to 5 companies that the agent is affiliated with.

• The last type is the passionately independent insurance agent or broker. This type of agent does not have any connection whatsoever with any insurance company, meaning you can choose from any available insurance companies in the market. Whenever you cannot find what you need in a certain policy, the agent would continue to look for other policies from another insurance company just to meet your needs.

Setup a free consultation with any agents you are considering hiring. This will give you a chance to get a feel for the person and ask any questions you may have in regards to doing business with them. Open up, get answers to your questions, and tell them all about your auto insurance needs.

During your free consultation, ask for references. You want to hire a knowledgeable agent, so it’s a good idea to check each of their references to make sure you are dealing with someone who knows what they are doing.

Since you will be working with them on a frequent basis, choose an agent that you feel comfortable talking to. Take a good look at their personalities as you want to choose someone you want to work with on a long-term basis.

During your consultation, be sure to take note of how well the agent communicates with you. Did they give you good, valuable information in regards to auto insurance? Did they seem to care about your questions and concerns? Did they seem irritated when you asked questions?

It is a good thing if they are good in communicating and very open to answering your questions. If you feel good about the consultation, more than likely, they will be a good fit for you.

From the information and background details that you have gathered, choose the trustworthy agent that you feel is appropriate for you.

The Wilkinson Insurance Agency, has years of skill and experience as auto insurance agent. We also have many contented, satisfied and happy clients.
Call us at 303-680-3338 for a complimentary consultation about how we can assist you with your auto insurance needs.

Bernard E Wilkinson – Independent Multi-Line Agent